Leesfragment: The Red Book

27 november 2015 , door C. G. Jung, Sonu Shamdasani
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The Red Book, of Liber Novus, het ongepubliceerde boek dat centraal staat in C.G. Jungs oeuvre, is eindelijk beschikbaar, in een prachtige facsimile-uitgave. Hij schreef zelf:

‘The years, of which I have spoken to you, when I pursued the inner images, were the most important time of my life. Everything else is to be derived from this. It began at that time, and the later details hardly matter anymore. My entire life consisted in elaborating what had burst forth from the unconscious and flooded me like an enigmatic stream and threatened to break me. That was the stuff and material for more than only one life. Everything later was merely the outer classification, the scientific elaboration, and the integration into life. But the numinous beginning, which contained everything, was then.’

Niet alleen Jungs gedachtegoed, maar juist ook de illustraties en de kalligrafie maken dit boek zo bijzonder. Voorzien van een voorwoord en noten door Sonu Shamdasani, en vertaald door Mark Kyburz en John Peck, is dit meesterwerk eindelijk beschikbaar. We mogen u beeldmateriaal tonen, de eerste alinea's van de inleiding en hebben een Indiana Jones-achtig filmpje over de totstandkoming in de pagina opgenomen.



door Sonu Shamdasani

C.G. Jung is widely recognized as a major figure in modern western thought, and his work continues to spark controversies. He played critical roles in the formation of modern psychology, psychotherapy and psychiatry, and a large international profession of analytical psychologists who work under his name. His work has had its widest impact, however, outside professional circles: Jung and Freud are the names that most people first think of in connection with psychology, and their ideas have been widely disseminated in the arts, the humanities, films and popular culture. Jung is also widely regarded as one of the instigators of the New Age movements. However, it is startling to realize that the book that stands at the centre of his oeuvre, on which he worked for over sixteen years, is only now being published.

There can be few unpublished works which have already exerted such far-reaching effects upon twentieth century social and intellectual history as Jung's Red Book, or Liber Novus [New Book]. Nominated by Jung to contain the nucleus of his later works, it has long been recognized as the key to comprehending their genesis. Aside from a few tantalizing glimpses, Liver Novus has remained unavailable for study.


Pagina uit C.G. Jung, The Red Book. (c) Foundation for the Works of C. G. Jung.

Pagina uit C.G. Jung, The Red Book. (c) Foundation for the Works of C. G. Jung.

Pagina uit C.G. Jung, The Red Book. (c) Foundation for the Works of C. G. Jung.

Pagina uit C.G. Jung, The Red Book. (c) Foundation for the Works of C. G. Jung.

Deze afbeeldingen zijn © Foundation for the Works of C. G. Jung.

The making of... The Red Book

Ook interessant: dit artikel in The New York Times, en de Zwitserse tv over het rode boek:

Uitgeverij W.W. Norton

pro-mbooks1 : athenaeum