Meg Waite Clayton - The Last Train to London

21 januari 2020
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Next year the Netherlands commemorates 75 years of liberation from Nazi repression. Bestselling author Meg Waite Clayton is coming to the John Adams Institute on January 21st at 8 PM to discuss her new novel The Last Train to London, which is based on the true story of the Vienna Kindertransports and the heroic woman who led the rescues, Truus Wijsmuller.

Location: Uilenburgersjoel, Nieuwe Uilenburgerstraat 91, Amsterdam

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In The Last Train to London (translated as De laatste trein naar vrijheid for HarperCollins), we follow fifteen-year old Stephan Neuman, the son of a wealthy and influential Jewish family and his best friend Žofie-Helene, a Christian girl whose mother edits a progressive, anti-Nazi newspaper. But their carefree innocence is shattered when the Nazis take control.

Truus Wijsmuller was a member of the Dutch resistance who helped some 10,000 predominantly Jewish children to escape from Nazi-occupied European cities to the UK just prior to the breakout of WWII. Among them were Ruth Westheimer, better known as tv-personality Dr. Ruth, and the son of Fritz Pfeffer, the dentist with whom Anne Frank shared her room. After the war, Truus Wijsmuller was one of the founders of the Anne Frank Stichting.

Lees op een fragment uit de vertaling.

On Jan. 21st, Meg Waite Clayton will discuss this epic story and the life of Truus Wijsmuller with the director of the Anne Frank Stichting, Ronald Leopold.

Ronald Leopold is tonight's moderator.

In collaboration with HarperCollins Holland

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