Leesfragment: Mousse #44

27 november 2015 , door Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum
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Mousse is een tweemaandelijks tijdschrift op grootformaat krantenpapier, en tweetalig ook: Italiaans en Engels. Interviews, recensies en essays. Een Contemporary Art Magazine kortom. Zo’n beetje iedereen die er toe doet in de wereld van curatorschap,  visual art en kunstkritiek komt langs. Blijf op de hoogte van wat er gebeurt in steden als Berlijn, New York, Parijs, Los Angeles en Londen. En Milaan natuurlijk! Met in dit 44ste nummer onder andere George W. Bush als schilder, de poëtica van de selfie, het werk van Robert Heinecken en de speciale, iets kleinere bijlage op glad papier The Artist as Curator (#3).

Mousse #44

Over The Artist as Curator

'It is a serial publication that examines a profoundly influential but still understudied phenomenon, a history that has yet to be written: the fundamental role that artists have played as curators. Taking the ontologically ambiguous thing we called “the exhibition” as a critical medium, artists have often in the process radically rethought the conventional form of the exhibition as such. This project is about precisely those exhibitions.

Two essays will appear in a loose booklet in each edition of Mousse over two years, before being published in book form at the end. Collectively, they will address twenty seminal artist-curated exhibitions, spanning a period from the postwar to the present.
The series is conceived and edited by Elena Filipovic, published by Mousse, and generously supported by an engaged group of art institutions and foundations that have made possible the research and production of the series.'

Dit nummer: Nina Möntmann over Martha Rosler, If You Lived Here..., 1989, en Kaelen Wilson-Goldie over Walid Raad en Akram Zaatari, Mapping Sitting: On Portraiture and Photography, 2002.

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