Leesfragment: Uppercase #22

27 november 2015 , door Athenaeum Nieuwscentrum
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Kleur staat centraal in dit nieuwe nummer van het Canadese tijdschrift Uppercase, inmiddels zijn de liefhebbers van de arts en craft-beweging en bijvoorbeeld de webwinkel Etsy wel bekend met dit kwalitatief hoogstaand magazine. Het bijzondere van de Uppercase is dat ieder nummer met dezelfde intensiteit en aandacht wordt gemaakt en de kwaliteit dus al 22 nummers constant is. Een bijzondere prestatie voor een tijdschrift dat bijna in zijn geheel door één vrouw gemaakt wordt: Janine Vangool.

En wie kunnen we beter aan het woord laten dan de maakster zelf? Lees deze Q&A, oorspronkelijk geplaatst op Melanie Falick Books’ blog met Vangool, uitgever, editor en vormgever van het tijdschrift.

How would you describe the philosophy of Uppercase? 

The tagline for Uppercase Magazine is ‘for the creative and curious’ and this really is the somewhat loose guideline to content appearing in the magazine. Though the content is based in graphic design, illustration and crafting as its starting points, with such a broad statement the articles can be quite eclectic. I think it is this curious bent that makes the magazine unique and hopefully surprising with each new issue.

We like to support the creative endeavours of our readership and therefore much of the written content, photography and illustration is commissioned from our subscribers, open calls for submissions and through connections made in our social media circles. I strongly believe that the magazine is a collaborative effort with its readership.

How do you come up with a theme for each issue? 

I categorize and archive all the submissions and suggestions that come my way, as well as favourite blog posts, Flickr images, Etsy shops, tweets... When you’re looking at so many things, you start to see common threads and emerging themes. So an issue’s themes are a combination of these discoveries and topics of interest to me personally.

What are the benefits to publishing a paper magazine in a ‘digital age’?

The physical format of Uppercase Magazine is part of its appeal — it is something that you hold, carry, collect and keep. I always strive to make each issue an object that is well-crafted and has attention to detail in its paper stock, special print processes or formats... these are the things that make print so special. Unlike digital magazines, which I think promote attention deficit, when you’re reading a paper magazine you have more commitment and a more intimate experience!

Though the expense to produce a paper magazine is considerable, I think my readership feels the same way I do and are willing to invest in a long-term relationship.


In onze webwinkel vindt je ook oudere nummers van Uppercase. Verkrijgbaar zijn nog de nummers tussen 15 en 22, enkele exemplaren van nummer 10 en enkele exemplaren van nummer 14.

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